Montag, 20. März 2017

Ausschreibung "Verbindungen" - Call for entries "Connections"

Die Teilnehmer werden aufgerufen, in ihren TEXTILEN WERKEN das Thema "Verbindungen" zu reflektieren.
Das Wort "Verbindung" gehört zu den Wörtern, das im Laufe der Zeit Bedeutungsveränderungen erfahren hat. Stand es einst vor allem für die Partnerschaft zwischen Menschen, veränderte sich seine Bedeutung mit der Industrialisierung: Eisenbahn (1835) und Telefon (1876)  ermöglichen den Menschen, sich über lange Strecken zu verbinden.
Seit dem 21. Jahrhundert sind "Verbindungen" der bestimmende Teil der modernen Gesellschaft: Im Zeitalter der totalen Kommunikation ist ein Leben ohne "Networking" für die Meisten von uns kaum noch vorstellbar...Wo wären wir heute ohne facebook, LinkedIn oder WhatsApp?
Im Metallbau können Verbindungen z.B. durch Kleben, Verschrauben, Nieten und Schweißen ausgeführt werden. In der Chemie spricht man von chemischen Verbindungen.
Auch für Textilschaffende hat sich vieles verändert: neben klassischen Verbindungen,  die beim Weben, Stricken, Klöppeln usw. entstehen haben moderne Verbindungen durch Schmelzen, Kleben, Lasern die Textilkunst revolutioniert...
Weitere Einzekheiten zum Projekt und die Datei zum herunterladen findet ihr unter

Projext TEXNET 1 - Connections
The artwork has to reflect the theme of connections.

The word "connection" is a word that gained a new meaning in the course of time. Once upon a time, it stranded for the partnership between people.  Its significance changed with industrialization, railroad (1835) and telephone (1876), allowed people to connect over long distances.
Since the 21st century, the word seems to redefine our lives: in the age of total communication, for most of us a life without "networking" is hardly imaginable... Where would we be today without facebook, LinkedIn or WhatsApp?

In metal construction, we talk about connections by rivet or bonding and in chemistry by chemical compounds.
There has also been a great deal of change for textile artist: in addition to the classic connections that arise during weaving, knitting, and bobbing, modern connections have revolutionized the textile industry by melting, gluing, and lasering.

The submitted work must meet the basic definition of an art quilt: made of flexible materials, layered and stitched.
More Information and the entry form under:

Mittwoch, 15. März 2017

Project Silk - Susanne Häusermann


                                                 The Princess´s Artifice/ detail

Title of the work:   The Princess’ Artifice

Artist statement:
China carefully kept the secret of silk production for a very long time. It was forbidden by death sentence to carry silkworms, mulberry seeds and knowledge out of China. Silk was as precious as gold. Probably two thousand years ago, the princess of China was going to marry the King of Khotan. Secretly she collected silkworm eggs and mulberry seeds, which she hid in her huge hair dress.  When the princess reached the border gates, the guards searched her thoroughly, but they dared not to touch her hair. From Khotan, silk knowledge passed to India and later to Europe. 
Traditional Chinese costumes very often are combined with silver hair decoration.
1 is a lucky number. It symbolizes cosmogony and heaven, as well as loneliness. 3 stand for birth. Earth, heaven and humans are a triad. 
Natural white color stands for grief and nowadays for wedding.
The peacock feathers symbolize dignity and beauty.
Silk is soft and shiny, warm and strong and the most beautiful fabric ever.

Materials:      Silk Selvedge, Silk Thread, Peacocks Feathers, Aluminum

Techniques:  Graphite Drawing, Free Motion Technique 

Susanne in her studio...